High Friction Surfacing

High friction surfacing provides the highest possible level of skid-resistance for road intercepts and other surfaces, where safety is a key issue – either for road users or pedestrians. Main applications are slippery angled curved road sections, in front of pedestrian crossings as fast breaking patches or high roughness cycle/pedestrian paths (lower PSV aggregates used here).

The high friction surfacing system consists of a thick layered 2-component material (cold plastic or PU) with the use of excess aggregates, which create a micro-texture, offering more contact points with tire and therefore better grip. The selection of the aggregates will ultimately define the final properties and the outlook of the applied system. For high friction demanding road parts calcined bauxite (3,0–3,5 mm) is used, whereas for high anti-slip bicycle paths finer 0,5–1,5 mm aggregate can be applied.

2-Component Cold Plastic Material:

  • Adapted for markings of smaller sized road patches, cycle paths and for decoration purposes with the use of aggregates
  • Manual application with spatula/screed on asphalt and concrete surfaces

SIGNOPUR 2C SF is a two-component coating composed of bio-based polyol binder and aliphatic isocyanate hardener. The special solvent free formulation provides semi-rigid, slip resistant, weather and UV durable coating with high abrasion resistance. It is intended for the indoor or outdoor application for multi-purpose areas and it is applicable on concrete or asphalt surfaces. The  VOC-free coating exhibits excellent chemical resistance (to fuel, oil and de-icing salts) and self-levelling characteristics. The system is suitable also for high friction surfacing when it is combined with calcined bauxite aggregate (with defined stone properties).